What is Colonics/Colon Hydrotherapy?

Colonics is a gentle infusion of water in and out of the colon, reaching all four to five feet, allowing internal cleansing and removal of waste.  Colonics involves a gentle infusion of warm water into the rectum, using no chemicals or drugs.  The procedure includes the gentle self-insertion of a small rectal tube into the anus.  The individual lies on his back, and water is gently infused into and out of the intestine without any assistance on the part of the client.  The out flowing water removes excess flatus (gas), mucus, infectious material and feces.  The temperature, water pressure and flow can be continually monitored throughout the session by the therapist.  The session can be performed without any discomfort on the part of the client. This is a closed system in that flatus (gas) and waste material are evacuated through the hose attached to the instrument and eliminated via the drain line.

There is no offensive odor or health risk to those in contact with sick patients as with enemas and bedpans and the dignity of the patient is maintained.


Up to twenty-five gallons of water can be used during a colonics session, gently entering and exiting the colon as needed.  Additional waste can be eliminated by massaging the abdomen gently, addressing different points and with proper breathing techniques.


Colon hydrotherapy is referred to as Colon Irrigation, Colonics, Colon therapy or High Enema.  Regardless of the name, they all refer to the use of water for internal cleansing of the colon (large intestines), without the use of drugs or chemicals.

What Exactly do Colonics Accomplish?

Colonics help release the old, encrusted colon waste, encourage discharge of toxins and parasites, freshens the gastrointestinal tract and make the whole cleansing process easier and more thorough. The therapeutic effects are improved muscle tone, which facilitates peristaltic action and enhances the absorption of nutrients, while minimizing the absorption of toxic waste material.  Colon hydrotherapy is not a cure-all, but an important adjunctive therapy in the overall health care of the patient.

Some of the positive results people often experience include a profound cleanness and lightness, renewed energy & mental alertness.  Others enjoy relief of toxic feelings, which they were not otherwise able to eliminate.  Occasionally, some people experience an emotional release as they “let go” old matter.  This sort of release, when it occurs, is almost always followed by a strong sense of well-being.

How Does a Person Know if They Need Colonics?

Everyone can benefit from some internal cleansing.  Our modern lifestyle has taken its toll on our digestive and elimination organs. Everyday our bodies are exposed to toxins and pollutants in the air we breath, the water we drink and especially the food we eat.  Refined, processed, low fiber foods, animal fats, a lack of exercise and ever increasing levels of stress all contribute to our current gastrointestinal health crisis.

When waste and toxins can be eliminated from the body is no problem.  But when they build up faster than they can be eliminated, or when the elimination systems are under active, these toxins accumulate and create the necessary pre-conditions for disease all over the body.

How Long Does It Take to Receive a Colonic?

Sessions vary accordingly to individual needs and responses, but usually last for one hour.  The first visit may be longer due to evaluation performed prior to the first session.


How Are Colonics Different from Enemas?

Enemas clean out the lower part of the rectum and colon, but miss about four feet of the colon.  Enemas are usually self-administered in the comfort and privacy of one’s home. Enema bags can be purchased at any drugstore.


Colonic… is an extended and more complete form of an enema and the treatment is designed to cleanse above the natural defecation area of the rectum to the cecum.

 A trained professional always administers Colonics.  The colon therapist controls infusion of warm water flow and expulsion into and out of the bowel while the client lies relaxed on a table next to the colonics equipment, using no chemicals or drugs.


Both enemas and colonics are a very useful tool for internal cleansing.  Both involve the use of purified water to irrigate and flush out toxins from the bowel…

Is Colonics Safe/Sanitary?

Today, with modern technological advancements in colon hydrotherapy instrumentation, colon hydrotherapy has become a safe, valuable modality in preventing disease.  There are instruments, which feature a built-in check valve, which prevents wastewater from returning to the water source.

The instruments also feature a disposable unit, which consists of a speculum, obturator, water and waste line, eliminating any possible contamination of the client from a previous session.

How Often is Colon Hydrotherapy Necessary?

Since colonics are a process of removing impaction of mucus and encrustation built upon the colon wall layer by layer over many years, reversing the situation may take a series of colonics.  During the first session the client may expel considerable amount of gas and recently digested food and water before dislodging the old encrusted toxic matter.

Most clients begin feeling better and removing large amounts of waste matter after the third treatment.  It is recommended that a series of 6 to 10 colonics over a period of weeks for the first time client.  Then, depending on the individual, a colonic every 1 to 3 months is recommended.

Will the Colonic Damage the Normal Intestinal Flora?

One of the functions of the first half of the colon (cecum) is to gather the intestinal flora needed for the colon.  When the accumulation of feces in the bowel leads to fecal incrustation, it is impossible for the colon to function normally and the glands in this lining cannot produce the necessary intestinal flora.  The resulting lack of lubrication intensifies a state of constipation and generate toxemia.  When the acid-alkaline balance becomes abnormal and the bowel is impacted, the growth of friendly bacteria that is necessary for proper digestion has difficulty surviving when the colon is encrusted with old putrefied water.



Cleansing the colon will help bring the acid-alkaline ratio back into balance.  In this environment, the friendly bacteria will again thrive and disease-causing bacteria will find it difficult to develop.  The body is constantly manufacturing healthy bacteria flora.


Research has determined there are more than 60 different species of bacteria that reside in the colon. Of these bacteria, more than 20 are formed in the stool of flesh eaters, all of which produce very highly toxic products.  We often find it helpful to reintroduce the flora to assist the body in the process.

What About Intestinal Worms or Parasites?

Many intestinal parasites are regularly removed during colonics. With the clear-lighted observation tube of the colonic machine, it is possible to see an amazing array of worms of all shapes and sizes come out of the colon.  These parasites and worms hide behind heavy impacted putrefaction, feeding, thriving and multiplying on morbid materials.  If you eat meat, especially pork, sushi, raw or rare bloody meat, junk foods, take antibiotics or suffer from long time constipation, the chances are very good that you are loaded with parasites.



You can also get parasites from food handlers, shaking hands with an infected person, playing with your pet, or sexual activity.  Parasites thrive on junk foods and lots of carbohydrates.  95% of people have worms and parasites!

Will Laxatives Accomplish the Same Results?

Laxatives are considered to be an irritant and stimulant to the colon.  They draw water from the body and produce a thin watery substance that clears only the most recently digested waste from the colon and leaves behind the impacted waste on the colon walls.  Laxatives are extremely toxic and addictive!

Is Colonic a Medical Procedure?

No more medical than taking a bath. It is a cleansing process.

Is Colonics Embarrassing?

No. The procedure is done with modesty for both client and therapist. We’ll provide you with shorts and a t-shirt. The finest professional equipment is used, facilitating total sanitation and efficiency.  All you feel is a gentle and thorough cleansing in a relaxed, comfortable environment.

What Prior Preparation Is Necessary?

It is recommended that the meal prior to a Colonic be light.

What is Colonics/Colon Hydrotherapy?

Common Questions

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What Prior Preparation Is Necessary?

What Exactly do Colonics Accomplish?

How Does a Person Know if They Need Colonics?

How Long Does It Take to Receive a Colonic?

How Are Colonics Different from Enemas?

Is Colonics Safe/Sanitary?

How Often is Colon Hydrotherapy Necessary?

Will the Colonic Damage the Normal Intestinal Flora?

What About Intestinal Worms or Parasites?

Will laxatives Accomplish the Same Results?

Is Colonic a Medical Procedure?

Is Colonics Embarrassing?

We are happy to answer any additional questions you have have about any of the services we offer. Please fill out the form below to send us your questions directly via email.


Thank you for your interest! We will be in touch soon.

Click on the questions below to find the answers to common questions regarding the process of Colon Hydrothearpy.


    The New Biology states: “There is only one sickness and one disease. The over-acidification of the body is due to an inverted way of living, eating and thinking.” This over-acidification leads to overgrowth in the body of microorganisms, whose poisons produce the symptoms we call “disease”, there is only one treatment: Break the Cycle of Imbalance and Alkalize and Energize. “The body is Alkaline by design and Acidic by function“


    It is the art and science of studying the blood in a qualitative manner, versus a standard laboratory quantitative blood test, using a high powered microscope. A single drop of blood is taken from the finger tip using a disposable sterile lancet. The blood is then viewed through the microscope in two ways. The first is the live blood examination on a video monitor showing the quality of the red and white blood cells and plasma. The second is a dry clot test, pin pointing where the acid imbalances are in the body. Through these observation processes, it is possible to see the impact of diet and lifestyle choices at the cellular level.


    Microscopy is not a diagnosis, nor is it a replacement for any medical treatment. It is an evaluation for the purpose of guiding an individual in a healthier direction. It is used to create an understanding of acid-alkaline imbalance, and to devise a personal strategy of using nutritious and naturally grown foods, alkaline water, proper exercise and other alkalizing methods of rebalancing and maintaining good health.


    1. The relative activity of white and red blood cells

    2. General organ stress

    3. The Presence of parasites, bacteria, yeast, fungus and mould

    4. Blood sugar imbalance

    5. Malabsorption of fats, proteins and other nutrients

    6. Crystalline forms of morbid matter, acids, cholesterol and Mycotoxin


    A session to evaluate your blood takes about an hour and a half. During the session you will have the opportunity to view your blood and discuss your health concerns. Y ou will be given nutritional suggestions based on your individual profile. A microscopy session is a great way to access where you need to make adjustments to your diet.


330 West Felicita Avenue, Suite C-14

Escondido, CA 92025


Monday to Friday   9am - 5pm

Saturday   8am - 6pm

Sunday   8am - 3pm


Tatyana Lantz

(760) 745.4011



We are greatful for the opportunity to assist you in your decision to restore your health and to maintain a vital and healthy lifestyle. We teach to live in harmony with the eight laws that govern health so that instead of having to "cure" a sick body, we can maintain a healthy one.

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